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Gifted Education


Buckeye Central Gifted Program


Welcome.  Whether you are a parent or student, identified as gifted or potentially gifted, you will find several resources specific to Buckeye Central’s gifted program.   



Buckeye Central uses several avenues to identify potentially gifted students. Whole grade screenings in Math and Reading using NWEA (MAP) or iReady in grades 2-8. Students taking the ACT will be screened in Reading, Math, and Science. Students in grades 2 and 5 are screened yearly for Superior Cognitive and Creative thinking, using an Ohio Department of Education approved assessment.  

Buckeye Central actively seeks referrals from teachers to identify students who show exceptional potential in the classroom.  This form can be used at any time by a teacher, parent, student or peer to refer a student for testing in a specific academic area (math, science, social studies, reading), superior cognition or a visual or performing arts area to determine if they might be gifted.  This form can be returned to any school office (attention Gifted Coordinator).



Each year the administration and gifted coordinator work to identify where service will be provided based on data and a needs assessment.  Currently Buckeye Central works with the regular classroom teachers to provide service utilizing a cluster grouping model as well as offering advanced and college level courses at the high school level.  Service is typically offered for at least one academic area in grades 2 – 8 along with the advanced and college level coursework at the high school.  Those students who are being served will be notified by the end of the first grading period and a Written Education Plan (WEP) is written for each student who is being served.  

Our program is designed to be flexible allowing us to best meet the needs for the most students identified as gifted.  

Whole grade and subject specific acceleration is also an option for students who are identified as gifted. In 8th grade, data will be used to determine eligible students to accelerate to Algebra I. 


Resources for those Identified Gifted


Contact Information

If there are any questions concerning the gifted program, please feel free to contact your building Gifted Coordinator Jessica Ault. Email: Phone: 419-492-2864